Monday 8 January 2018

Modify JEE, Save Rs. 12,800 Crores/Year of Nation's Money

   # Save Rs. 12,800 Crores/Year of Nation’s Money,
# Save 10 lakh Students/Year from the unnecessary trauma they have to undergo as they compete for admission to IITs
# How do we go about do it - Modify Procedure for Admission to IITs

The Problem:

a) About 12 lakh students appear for JEE-Main, and of these top 2 lakh students appear for JEE-Advanced, every year.
b)  Due to very little time gap (about 7 weeks) between JEE-Main and JEE-Advanced almost all the students who are competing for IITs, have to prepare for JEE-Advanced. This leads to tremendous wastage of resources and unnecessary burden on the students.
c) It will be prudent if we design the system such that only those students who qualify a preliminary exam, say JEE (Prelim), have to prepare for JEE (Final). For this, the JEE (Prelim) shall be held at least one year before JEE (Final). Thus only those students who qualify for JEE (Prelim) will prepare for JEE (Final), and the rest will be saved from the unnecessary hardships of preparing for JEE (Final).
d) This change would lead to a saving of about Rs.12,800 Crores/Year for the nation and a big relief to students who undergo tremendous academic and economic pressure.

More Benefits:

A large no. of students who are not good in science will have an opportunity to know about their aptitude and caliber well in advance and will be able to opt for alternate careers
(a) These students will be saved from the hardships of coaching for IITs.
(b) Parents of these students will save money and effort (Approx. Rs 200,000/-per student per year) spent unnecessarily on the coaching of such students.
(c) Such students will also be saved from the unnecessary trauma of failure and will be able to choose alternate careers depending on their skills.
(d) A large amount human resource (time spent by students and faculty in coaching and transportation of students to and from coaching institutes) will be set free.
Saving in terms of money and resources is approx. Rs. 12,800/- Crores per year. (Calculations is given below)

How to go about this:

a) A separate national level exam may be started which may be named as JEE (Prelim-XI). This exam shall be conducted about a year before JEE (Final). This exam shall be designed for the student of XI class. The students who qualify this exam may appear for JEE (Final) next year, i.e. at XII level.
b) It is also possible to add another exam, JEE (Prelim-X) for students of X standard. The students who qualify this exam may appear for JEE (Final) after two years, i.e. at XII level. So there can be two JEE (Prelim) exams, one for class X students and one for class XI students.
c) Students who don’t qualify JEE (Prelim-XI) in the first instance may be permitted to appear for JEE (Prelim-XI) once again in the next year, and if they qualify JEE (Prelim-XI), they may appear for corresponding JEE (Final) in the following year.
d) By keeping a gap of one year (or two years) between JEE (Prelims) and JEE (Final), we would greatly help the students who don’t qualify for JEE (Prelims) as they will not have to go for higher coaching (for JEE-Final) unless they clear JEE (Prelim).
e) The current exam JEE-Main, at the XII level, may be rechristened as AIEEE, as it existed before and be used for admission to all other engineering colleges.
f) NITs may opt for JEE exam series or AIEEE exams.
g) The cost of conducting JEE (Prelim-XI) or JEE (Prelim-X) won't be significant as they may be online exams or OMR based. However, the savings for the public is going to be tremendous.

Calculation for Money Saved:

No. of Students who appeared for JEE (Main)-2016 (approx.)
No. of Students who were not able to qualify for JEE (Advanced)-2016, (approx.)
Assuming that 70% of applicants go for coaching, extra no. of students who have to go for coaching for JEE (Advanced) as JEE (Advanced) follow immediately after JEE (Main)
Money spent coaching fee, transportation, etc. per student
Cost of time spent by student and parents on coaching per student
Total Money wasted on coaching per student
Amount of Money Saved (Rs.=12,800 Crores per year)

Dr. Nirupam Rohatgi
(B. Tech.-IITD, M. Tech.-IITD, PhD-IITD)
Mobile: +91-9549654502

1 comment:

  1. Sir, why do Indian institutes not opt for admission procedures as in foreign countries like US,UK,Germany,etc. Their procedure for admission makes the child think about why he wants to pursue a certain field through SOP, also the LOR from professors helps in adding credibility that his efforts won't stop after admission unlike we see here in IITs and NIT's.
