On the Earth Day, my offerings to the Mother Earth
Few lines from Savitri which can be titled as 'The Yoga of the Mother Earth' highlighting her pivotal role in the Evolution, the Future of Mankind and the Creation (Savitri 050/22-052/14) :
पृथ्वी जड़ पद्दार्थ से बना हुआ एक गोला मात्र नहीं है, जो जड़ शक्तियों से बंधा हुआ, असहाय और दु:खी अपनी धूरी पर घूम रहा है |
पृथ्वी एक माता है, एक देवी है, एक शक्ति है, जो प्रभु के महान संकल्प - To Manifest Divine Life, Divine Being, or Superman on Earth, को सिद्ध करने के लिए कार्य कर रही है |
Along a path
of aeons serpentine
In the coiled
blackness of her nescient course
Earth-Goddess toils across the sands of Time.
A Being is in
her whom she hopes to know,
A Word speaks
to her heart she cannot hear,
A Fate
compels whose form she cannot see.
In her
unconscious orbit through the Void
Out of her
mindless depths she strives to rise,
A perilous
life her gain, a struggling joy;
A Thought
that can conceive but hardly knows
Arises slowly
in her and creates
The idea, the
speech that labels more than it lights;
A trembling
gladness that is less than bliss
Invades from
all this beauty that must die.
Alarmed by
the sorrow dragging at her feet
And conscious
of the high things not yet won,
Ever she
nurses in her sleepless breast
An inward
urge that takes from her rest and peace.
Ignorant and
weary and invincible,
She seeks
through the soul's war and quivering pain
The pure
perfection her marred nature needs,
A breath of
Godhead on her stone and mire.
A faith she
craves that can survive defeat,
The sweetness
of a love that knows not death,
The radiance
of a truth for ever sure.
A light grows
in her, she assumes a voice,
Her state she
learns to read and the act she has done,
But the one
needed truth eludes her grasp,
Herself and
all of which she is the sign.
inarticulate whisper drives her steps
Of which she
feels the force but not the sense;
A few rare
intimations come as guides,
divining flashes cleave her brain,
And sometimes
in her hours of dream and muse
The truth
that she has missed looks out on her
As if far off
and yet within her soul.
A change
comes near that flees from her surmise
And, ever
postponed, compels attempt and hope,
Yet seems too
great for mortal hope to dare.
A vision
meets her of supernal Powers
That draw her
as if mighty kinsmen lost
with estranged great luminous gaze.
Then is she
moved to all that she is not
And stretches
arms to what was never hers.
arms to the unconscious Void,
she prays to invisible forms of Gods
from dumb Fate and toiling Time
What most she
needs, what most exceeds her scope,
A Mind
unvisited by illusion's gleams,
A Will
expressive of soul's deity,
A Strength
not forced to stumble by its speed,
A Joy that
drags not sorrow as its shade.
For these she
yearns and feels them destined hers:
privilege she claims as her own right.
Just is her
claim the all-witnessing Gods approve,
Clear in a
greater light than reason owns:
intuitions are its title-deeds;
Our souls
accept what our blind thoughts refuse.
winged chimaeras are Truth's steeds in Heaven,
impossible God's sign of things to be.
But few can
look beyond the present state
Or overleap
this matted hedge of sense.
All that
transpires on earth and all beyond
Are parts of
an illimitable plan
The One keeps
in his heart and knows alone.