Monday 15 June 2020

Suicide - It is not the end of the game

Death does not Liberate ! 

(First time, this article was published on this blog, on Friday, 18 November 2016. Edited minorly on June 15, 2020)

At times we are overwhelmed by our problems which normally are more psychological than physical. Finding no way out of the web, believing that the world is only what we see and concluding that our ordeal will end with our death, we take the ultimate plunge into the abyss of death.  

But, Death is not an escape to eternal Peace. Seers of India, who see beyond the material world, see this world differently. They have a different view on suicide. In this context, I have put the words of two great people on Death and Suicide, hoping that it will make us wiser, courageous, and help us choose Life instead of Death. 

Important takes from the words of Paramahansa Yogananda and The Mother given below:
  1. We do not die - we just pass from this world to another world.
  2. Death doesn't liberate us. We start the next life exactly from the state we left.
  3. To change one's situation, one has to make efforts and all the efforts can be made only on earth while one is alive. Thus an act of suicide doesn't solve one's problem.  
  4. If you leave before your work is finished you will have to come back to do it again under much more difficult conditions.
  5. On earth, our body acts as a protective sheath and saves us from terrible attacks from the vital world. After death, one doesn't go out of existence. One has to pass through a vital world that is made of all these passions and ignorance. So the troubles one wanted to avoid in this world, one finds again after death and now without having the protection which the body gives. 

Paramahansa Yogananda:

"Don't depend on death to liberate you from your imperfections. You are exactly the same after death as you were before. Nothing changes; you only give up the body. If you are a thief or a liar or a cheater before death, you don't become an angel merely by dying. If such were possible, then let us all go and jump in the ocean now and become angels at once! Whatever you have made of yourself thus far, so will you be hereafter. And when you reincarnate, you will bring that same nature with you. To change, you have to make the effort. This world is the place to do it."

Ref: (Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda)

The Mother (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pudducherry):

Q.    Why does one suffer when one commits suicide?
Ans. "Why does one commit suicide? Because one is a coward….When one is cowardly, one always suffers."

Q.   In the next life one suffers again?
Ans."The psychic being comes with a definite purpose to go through a set of experiences and to learn and make progress. Then if you leave before its work is finished it will have to come back to do it again under much more difficult conditions. So all that you have avoided in one life you will find again in another, and more difficult. And even without leaving in this way, if you have difficulties to overcome in life, you have what we usually call a test to pass, you see; well, if you don’t pass it or turn your back upon it, if you go away instead of passing it, you will have to pass it another time and it will be much more difficult than before.

Now people, you know, are extremely ignorant and they think that it is like this: there is life, and then death; life is a bunch of troubles, and then death is an eternal peace. But it is not at all like that. And usually when one goes out of life in an altogether arbitrary way and in an ignorant and obscure passion, one goes straight into a vital world made of all these passions and all this ignorance. So the troubles one wanted to avoid one finds again without even having the protection which the body gives, for- if you have ever had a nightmare, that is, a rash excursion in the vital world, well, your remedy is to wake yourself up, that is to say, to rush back immediately into your body. But when you have destroyed your body you no longer have a body to protect you. So you find yourself in a perpetual nightmare, which is not very pleasant. ---"

Psychic - is a growing soul, that doesn't die with body and moves from one life to next life. It is psychic that gives us a character and individuality. 
Note: Emphasis by colour and highlighting are by the author.


  1. Helpful thoughts sir.i had seen you in mnit campus u have such a great personality.
    Like your visions about life.

    1. Thanks for your kind words! You are welcome to join my blog by sharing your email on my blog. It will keep you updated about my writings and notifications would be very rare and few.

  2. Expectations are the roots of sorrow and happiness. Nothing in this world belongs to us, so why to expect. The physical duties and physical objects are bestowed upon us as per our KARMA and we have to fulfill them without expecting their outcome. The fruits must be surrendered in the service of HARE KRISHNA, so that we must not come again in this physical world to witness the same sorrow, happiness and sufferings. One must adopt NISHKAM KARM YOG. HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE

  3. It was really worth reading, I never came across with this sort of ideology in reference to mental issues. One needs to find some way to get out of mental trauma. Failures and successes are part and parcel of life. One has to be robust enough and take this life in a challenging manner, overcoming the obstacles that come by in a calm approach.

    1. Thanks! I am happy you liked it. Why write anonymous? You can write to me on my email, so that I can keep in touch with you.
      You can also join me on my blog - you will automatically get update when ever upload any article on my blog.

  4. Nice thoughts sir,suicide is not an option.Everyone is born with some responsibilities and he or she has to fulfill them until their last breath. In our life, we always need a support system whenever we fail to fulfill the requirements and for this mental health is very important. For example, if the main part of a machine will stop working then it will affect the overall performance of it like that mind is the operating system of our body so we have to repair it time by time, this will only be done by love and care. We have to help them who are in this condition, without being judgemental.

    1. Thanks! I am happy you liked it. Why write anonymous? You can write to me on my email, so that I can keep in touch with you.
      You can also join me on my blog - you will automatically get update when ever upload any article on my blog.

  5. Very well explained, Sir. I have attended your session on Spirituality in MNIT as well. Your vision is really illuminating. Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom with us, Sir.

    1. Thanks! I am happy you liked it. Why write anonymous? You can write to me on my email, so that I can keep in touch with you.
      You can also join me on my blog - you will automatically get update when ever upload any article on my blog.

  6. Well well well... using someone's death as an opportunity to spread your propaganda and virtue signal people is one of the lowest things a person can do. The arrogance of the statements in the article using words like 'cowardly' and how apparently bodies are 'changed' goes on to show how much india has progressed as a country considering the article is written by a "professor".

    1. There is nothing in this world on which all would agree. There are many who liked it. You seem to differ with what is said in the article, fine. You could have simply said so. But what is the need of using your dislike to attack other issues. Let your dislike not overpower your rationality.

    2. One more thing. If possible, instead of criticizing with opinions, contend with logic. It will be still better if you share your own view on this topic so that all of us are benefited.

  7. I like to think the idea of death as nothingness. The closest experience to death I believe is the R.E.M stage of the sleep cycle. The stage when you're in deep sleep. When all the worries and happiness before and after don't matter even the slightest. Nonetheless I liked the viewpoint of this article Sir!

  8. In the end nothing matters.

  9. This blog is really helpful sir and will surely acts as a remedy in this indifferent times

  10. Respected Sir ; The only problem I found with philosophy is that it's not science ( as it's not backed by observation ; facts . I also doubt it with pseudo knowlege. As it's not definite and factual. ( reference E. Kant :: where he desribes limits about our mind).
    And what is this definite purpose sir for which psychic being's soul descends.
    And what's your view on Buddhist way of realising "cause and effect" Virtuous cycle and thus leading to nirvana. But my concern is "metaphysics is all about building castles in air". And also in particular about indian philosophy ; when there's doubt on vedas creation ; how much worth is upanishsdas and other commentaries on vedas. Though they are pinnacle of rationalism and logic; but concern is :: how are they worth to make your life based on them in this era of science. It seems that philosophy ; metaphysics also are more like other subject of study which serves to satisfy and fulfil inquisitiveness of mind in their own certain ways.

  11. Wonderfully written and well cited sir!
