Friday 12 April 2024

Sonam Wangchuk - Ecology vs Security

Sonam Wangchuk - Ecology vs Security

I shared the two videos on Sonam Wangchuk by Dr Guarav Pradhan with you.

1) The Dark Side of Sonam Wangchuk: Dr Gaurav Pradhan has raised many relevant points about India's security vis-à-vis China's game plan.

2) Who is Sonam Wangchuk: Dr Gaurav Pradhan reveals history of Sonam Wangchuk

Some of you did not like the videos. Let me share my point of view with you.  

There were four major issues -

First, the videos raised serious doubts about the motive of Sonam Wangchuk in organising the protests. I know Sonam Wangchuk is a respected figure after the success of 3-Idiots. Therefore, it is difficult to believe what is being said about him. Let’s drop this issue. Perhaps we need more material before we can say something definite about him. 

There are far more important issues which have been discussed in these videos. Let’s focus on them.

Second, the videos discuss the geo-political and geo-economic ambitions of China, which are well-known in defence circles that

a) China is eyeing Doklam to get an entry to the Bay of Bengal through Bangla Desh.

b) China is eyeing Glawan for securing the Karakoram highway from India. This highway is very important for China and part of its BRI project. It passes through POK and violates the territorial integrity of India.

c) China wants to control the freshwater glaciers of the Himalayas so that it will have control over India's and Pakistan's economies and have strong leverage over them in case of future conflicts.

d) In line with China's geo-political and geo-economic ambitions, it wants to control the Indian market by dumping cheap goods in Indian Market and crippling the Indian economy.

I am sure you would appreciate the strategic importance of all these issues. 

Third, Sonam Wangchuk wants 370 back. He is asking for autonomy through a state government in Ladakh. ‘Perhaps’ he wants to halt the development in Ladakh in the guise of preserving the environment.

If we don’t have strong infrastructure leading up to our borders, our borders will not remain secure against China.

Although we all want to preserve the environment, there is always a conflict between conservation of ecology and development and security. In the name of ecology, can we ignore our economic and strategic interests?

Fourth: We are now in the era of 4th generation and 5th generation warfare where a country is not destroyed using traditional weapons but by exploiting the social, economic, and religious fault lines present in the country. Social media and NGOs are the latest weapons of war. Through these, an enemy can create a division in society and break the country. These are low-cost wars and more efficient than terrorist attacks or guerilla warfare. 

We must be careful whether a person or an NGO is being used to weaken the country. This was why, the Modi government has put severe checks on NGOs.

Thus, although you may disagree with what these videos say about Sonam Wangchuk, I am sure you would think over other points discussed in the videos and take them into consideration while evaluating any socio-politico-economic situation. 

Monday 8 April 2024

General Election 2024: Abki Baar 400 Paar

General Election 2024: Abki Baar 400 Paar

   My Guess:

I am neither a psephologist nor have I consciously taken into account the views of poll pundits (*). My guess is based entirely on the trend of overall votes polled in the last two general elections and a little bit of my understanding of the country's pulse.

BJP+ (NDA) is winning 395 seats in the 2024 General Election. (#)




2024 Projected







Total Seats






BJP Won/Winning






BJP+ Won/Winning






BJP+ Gain






BJP+ Lost/Losing






% Votes Polled






% Votes Gained






 Note: Coloured cells are estimates.

   Actions of the Government that are Creating Pro-incumbency Wave:

Some of the important actions taken by the government, which instil Hope, Confidence and Pride in the countrymen and Faith in the government, are -

1)   Succesful removal of Article 370 w/o any major protest anywhere and subsequent improvement in the security and economic situation of Kashmir.

2)      Successful implementation of GST, leading to good economic growth.

3)      Reasonably good and sincere handling of the Covid crisis.

4)      Succesful handling of Chinese incursion in Doklam and Galwan.

5)     Succesful resolution of the Shri Ram Mandir dispute and construction of a Grand Ram temple in Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Shri Ram.

6)  10 years of Corruption-free Govt: On one hand, Modi provided a corruption-free government at the centre, while on the other hand, there have been many cases of corruption against leaders of opposition parties followed by recovery of cash and their imprisonment.

7)       Significant improvement in Infrastructure speeding up the Economic Growth.

8)       Pro-poor and pro-farmers' schemes.

9)       Succesful handling of Farmers’ agitations, I and II.

10)     The economy is doing extremely well as a result of many of the above actions.

11)    Many opposition leaders are joining the BJP, giving an indication of the direction in which the undercurrent is flowing.

   Actions of Opposition Governments Indirectly Helping in the creation of the Modi wave:

1)      Opposition governments are unable to give corruption-free and growth-oriented rules.

2)      Opposition governments promoting dynastic rule.

3)    Opposition parties are blindly opposing the actions of the Modi government for the sake of opposition. They are directionless and unable to provide a road map. They are unable to instil confidence in countrymen.

4)   Opposition leaders are using abusive and foul language, which does not go well with the Indian psyche.

   Divine Forces helping Modi:

I have my own reasons to believe in this outcome. There is a Divine plan; it is to raise India for the benefit of humanity. Modi's government is working in that direction; therefore, the divine forces are aligned with him and helping him.

   Agenda for the Next Government:

As hinted by Shri Narendra Modi, the next few years will be the years of major changes in Indian polity. His call for 400 seats in the Loksabha election makes me believe that the following changes are in the offing.

1)  Rewriting or modifications in the constitution, enabling a Presidential form of government where the President/Prime Minister of the country will be elected directly by the electorate.

2)       Reclamation of POK.

3)   Implementation of the National Register of Citizens (NRC), the National Population Register (NPR), and the Uniform Civil Code (UCC)

4)      Redefining the Minority.

5)   New tax system: Doing away with income tax and replacing it with transaction tax/ expenditure tax, etc.

6)      Reforms in the Judiciary and the Police System.

Something More (As of 10/05/2024): 
        My Current Estimate BJP+  (min. 370, max. 400)

    Agenda for the Next Government:

I would like to add one more item to this list. It was there in my mind but slipped out at the time of writing the blog.

1)         One Nation, one Election.

    Reviewing Earlier Elections and Election 2024:

General Election 2014: In 2014, people voted against the existing government. It was neither a pro-Modi nor pro-BJP vote; it was an anti-incumbency vote.

The main reason for the anti-incumbency vote was all-around corruption. People had lost confidence in the then government. They voted against the existing government, and the BJP came to power because it was the strongest alternative at that moment.

General Election 2019: In 2019, people were, in general, happy with Modi. His image of a sincere, honest, hard-working, and nationalist leader worked in his favour.

On the one hand, Modi’s actions like Notebandi, GST, Surgical Strike, and Balakot strengthened his image of a sincere, honest, hard-working, and nationalist leader; on the other hand, the opposition was still mired in corruption, dynasty rule, partisan and anti-national agenda. The opposition had no vision for the Nation, and they were totally relying on the anti-Modi narrative.

People ignored the opposition and, once again, reposed faith in Modi.  

General Election 2024: The scene hasn’t changed since 2019. On the contrary, the contrast has become more prominent. Modi’s image of a sincere, honest, hard-working, and nationalist leader has strengthened, while the opposition is still mired in corruption, dynasty rule, partisan and anti-national agenda. Still, the opposition has no vision, and they are totally banking on the anti-Modi narrative.

Abrogation of Article 370, handling of the Covid crisis, and Pran-Prathisthaa of Ram Lala have only further strengthened the image of Narendra Modi.

Faith in Modi is at an all-time high. Once again, people are going to dump the opposition. It shall not be a surprise if it is 400 Paar this time. 

Masses are driven by cultism, and Indians are more so. This time, cult figures before the people are - Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Arvind Kejriwal, Mamta Banerjee, Akhilesh Yadav, etc. But Narendra  Modi is far bigger than the rest of them.  The opposition's only chance to halt Narendra Modi's momentum was to unite, but unfortunately, their egos did not let them unite. Therefore, it shall not be a surprise if it is 400 Paar this time. 

Notes: These are my personal views and projections. Don’t take them as scientific and reliable predictions.

(*)  I may be affected unconsciously by various estimates doing rounds.

(#) This is not a recent estimate. On January 29 2024, I had predicted  375-410 for BJP+ in one of the WA groups.

Sunday 25 February 2024

Arvind Kejriwal, An Observation (October, 2016)

 An observation on Arvind Kejriwal, Facebook (27 October, 2016)

See How true it is seven and a half years down the line.

"You know what is AK's (Arvind Kejriwal) plan. By attacking Modi, he is equating himself to Modi and presenting himself as an alternative PM. He wants to fill the gap created by Congress. For his political ambitions, he has ditched Prashant Bhushan, Yogendra Yadav, Shazia Ilmi, etc., and he has become communalist and casteist and joined hands with corrupt politicians like ---. He can fall to any level.
The victory of Delhi was due to two reasons: 1) Delhi people had only seen one side of him and believed him, and 2) there was an underlying communal pact. And he was party to it. In Bihar, he was seen standing with the icon of corruption. In Gujarat, his tone was casteist. And he used Delhi's money to create bases in other states. That is why I say that this person has all the elements of communal-ism, caste-ism and corruption. Above all, he is an impatient and unreliable friend. Have no hope from him." (Edited for grammar and spelling on 25/02/2024)

Sunday 19 November 2023

A Quote: Limited Mind, Unlimited World

Limited Mind, Unlimited World

It is not that the wonders of the world are limited; it is our vision* that is limited.

(for example, we only see a part of the spectrum; the world exists beyond both ends of the visible spectrum.)

The irony is we don't see our limitations; instead, we impose them on what we see.

(* Our vision includes our perception, conception, and our imagination. In a sense, it means our mind.)

Sunday 5 November 2023

A Journey from Faith to Reason

 A Journey from Faith to Reason 

A Journey from Faith to Reason

a is a journey from 

'All is Meaningful' to 'All is Meaningless'.

Date: 05/11/2023

Saturday 4 November 2023

A Journey from Reason to Faith


A Journey from Reason to Faith 

A Journey from Reason to Faith

a is a journey from 

'All is Meaningless' to 'All is Meaningful'.

Date: ~22/10/2023

A Triplet: The Compromise


A Triplet: The Compromise

काटों का डर था, फूलों से मोहब्बत कर ली मैंने। 

अँधेरे देख राह बदल ली मैंने

क्या हुआ कसक रह गई एक दिल में, जिंदगी जश्न में गुजार दी मैंने।  

Gist: For the fear of suffering or failure, we give up the purpose of our life.

Date: 04/11/2023: 

Friday 26 May 2023

Poem: A Godess from Heaven

दिनांक - २५/०५/२०२३        

                    स्वर्ग की देवी; मेरा जीवन तेरा स्पंदन 

            तन सुन्दर, मन निर्मल, हृदय प्रेम का सागर है।

            होंटों पर मुस्कान सदा औ' मुख पर दिव्य आकर्षण है।

            थिरकते पग, स्वप्निल नेत्र, अँगुलियों में जादू है।  

            प्राण निवेदित, मन प्रकाशित, चैत्य लिए शुभ्र आभा है।

            स्वर्ग की देवी, धरा से जन्मी, आगे मेरे, मेरे पीछे,

            साथ चले और सदा प्रेम का घेरा है।

            आगे बढ़ता, ऊपर उठता, पोषित होता मेरा जीवन;

            हर्षित करता, पोषित करता, आधार है मेरा तेरा स्पंदन।

# पत्नी के जन्मदिन पर उसको समर्पित एक कविता

Tuesday 7 March 2023

Prahlad; Story of Prahalad and Holika


Who is Prahlada:

daitya, famous as a devotee of Vishnu[Sri Aurobindo; Link: Prahlad] 

“Among all these living beings, cosmic godheads, superhuman and human and subhuman creatures, and amid all these qualities, powers and objects, the chief, the head, the greatest in quality of each class is a special power of the becoming of the Godhead. I am, says the Godhead, Vishnu among the Adityas, Shiva among the Rudras, Indra among the gods, Prahlada among the Titans,...". 

[Sri Aurobindo; Link: Essays on the Gita]

Story of Prahalad and Holika: 

According to the Puranas, a king named Hiranyakashipu, like many asuras, wished to be immortal. To fulfill this desire, he performed tapasya until he was granted a boon by Brahma. The boon granted Hiranyakashipu: that he would not die at the hands of any being created by Brahma, that he would not perish inside or outside, by day or night, by any weapon, on the earth or in the sky, by men or beasts, devas or asuras, that he be unequalled, that he possess undiminishing power, and that he be the one ruler of all creation.

His wish granted, Hiranyakashipu felt invincible, and conquered the three worlds, assuming the throne of Indra. He punished and killed anyone all those who objected to his supremacy. His son Prahlada, refused to worship his father as a deity. He was raised a Vaishnava and continued worshipping Vishnu.

This infuriated Hiranyakashipu, and he made various attempts to kill Prahlada but failed. King Hiranyakashipu's sister, Holika, offered her help. Holika told her brother that due to a boon she had received, she was invulnerable to fire. Arrangements were made to have Prahlada sit upon the lap of his aunt, atop a burning pyre. However, as Prahlada chanted the name of Vishnu, he escaped unscathed, while Holika was incinerated.

(In a variation of this Puranic legend, Holika wore her scarf or a fireproof garment, so that Prahalad may perish, and she may be protected atop the pyre. However, as the fire roared, the garment flew from Holika and covered Prahlada. Thus, Holika was burnt to death, and Prahlada came out unharmed.)

Afterwards , Vishnu appeared in the form of Narasimha (a half-human and half-lion avatara, one not created by Brahma), at dusk (neither day nor night), took Hiranyakashipu to his dwelling's threshold (neither indoors nor outdoors), placed him upon his lap (neither land, water, nor air), and then slew the king with his claws (not a weapon). In this manner, Prahlada and the races of the three worlds were thus set free from the tyranny of Hiranyakashipu, and cosmic order was restored.

[Wikipedia, Link: Story of Prahlad and Holika]

(Source: Essays on the Gita, p.363, “God in Power of Becoming”)


Saturday 17 December 2022

Ego, I love you. (A Short Poem)

 Ego, I love you.

17th December 2022.

Ego is the name, the costume, and the role we adorn for a drama of life.

Ego, I love you for the joy you bring to me and all.

The episode ends, the curtain draws,

But the play ends not.

A new stage is set, a new drama begins.

Come again with a new name, a new costume for a new role I would play.

Let a new episode begin, a new way to joy.

O God, I am back again to fulfil another role you scripted for me.

Ego, I love you, for you make me ready anew for the stage,

for the play with God and the joy of the play.