Sunday 19 November 2023

A Quote: Limited Mind, Unlimited World

Limited Mind, Unlimited World

It is not that the wonders of the world are limited; it is our vision* that is limited.

(for example, we only see a part of the spectrum; the world exists beyond both ends of the visible spectrum.)

The irony is we don't see our limitations; instead, we impose them on what we see.

(* Our vision includes our perception, conception, and our imagination. In a sense, it means our mind.)

Sunday 5 November 2023

A Journey from Faith to Reason

 A Journey from Faith to Reason 

A Journey from Faith to Reason

a is a journey from 

'All is Meaningful' to 'All is Meaningless'.

Date: 05/11/2023

Saturday 4 November 2023

A Journey from Reason to Faith


A Journey from Reason to Faith 

A Journey from Reason to Faith

a is a journey from 

'All is Meaningless' to 'All is Meaningful'.

Date: ~22/10/2023

A Triplet: The Compromise


A Triplet: The Compromise

काटों का डर था, फूलों से मोहब्बत कर ली मैंने। 

अँधेरे देख राह बदल ली मैंने

क्या हुआ कसक रह गई एक दिल में, जिंदगी जश्न में गुजार दी मैंने।  

Gist: For the fear of suffering or failure, we give up the purpose of our life.

Date: 04/11/2023: 

Friday 26 May 2023

Poem: A Godess from Heaven

दिनांक - २५/०५/२०२३        

                    स्वर्ग की देवी; मेरा जीवन तेरा स्पंदन 

            तन सुन्दर, मन निर्मल, हृदय प्रेम का सागर है।

            होंटों पर मुस्कान सदा औ' मुख पर दिव्य आकर्षण है।

            थिरकते पग, स्वप्निल नेत्र, अँगुलियों में जादू है।  

            प्राण निवेदित, मन प्रकाशित, चैत्य लिए शुभ्र आभा है।

            स्वर्ग की देवी, धरा से जन्मी, आगे मेरे, मेरे पीछे,

            साथ चले और सदा प्रेम का घेरा है।

            आगे बढ़ता, ऊपर उठता, पोषित होता मेरा जीवन;

            हर्षित करता, पोषित करता, आधार है मेरा तेरा स्पंदन।

# पत्नी के जन्मदिन पर उसको समर्पित एक कविता

Tuesday 7 March 2023

Prahlad; Story of Prahalad and Holika


Who is Prahlada:

daitya, famous as a devotee of Vishnu[Sri Aurobindo; Link: Prahlad] 

“Among all these living beings, cosmic godheads, superhuman and human and subhuman creatures, and amid all these qualities, powers and objects, the chief, the head, the greatest in quality of each class is a special power of the becoming of the Godhead. I am, says the Godhead, Vishnu among the Adityas, Shiva among the Rudras, Indra among the gods, Prahlada among the Titans,...". 

[Sri Aurobindo; Link: Essays on the Gita]

Story of Prahalad and Holika: 

According to the Puranas, a king named Hiranyakashipu, like many asuras, wished to be immortal. To fulfill this desire, he performed tapasya until he was granted a boon by Brahma. The boon granted Hiranyakashipu: that he would not die at the hands of any being created by Brahma, that he would not perish inside or outside, by day or night, by any weapon, on the earth or in the sky, by men or beasts, devas or asuras, that he be unequalled, that he possess undiminishing power, and that he be the one ruler of all creation.

His wish granted, Hiranyakashipu felt invincible, and conquered the three worlds, assuming the throne of Indra. He punished and killed anyone all those who objected to his supremacy. His son Prahlada, refused to worship his father as a deity. He was raised a Vaishnava and continued worshipping Vishnu.

This infuriated Hiranyakashipu, and he made various attempts to kill Prahlada but failed. King Hiranyakashipu's sister, Holika, offered her help. Holika told her brother that due to a boon she had received, she was invulnerable to fire. Arrangements were made to have Prahlada sit upon the lap of his aunt, atop a burning pyre. However, as Prahlada chanted the name of Vishnu, he escaped unscathed, while Holika was incinerated.

(In a variation of this Puranic legend, Holika wore her scarf or a fireproof garment, so that Prahalad may perish, and she may be protected atop the pyre. However, as the fire roared, the garment flew from Holika and covered Prahlada. Thus, Holika was burnt to death, and Prahlada came out unharmed.)

Afterwards , Vishnu appeared in the form of Narasimha (a half-human and half-lion avatara, one not created by Brahma), at dusk (neither day nor night), took Hiranyakashipu to his dwelling's threshold (neither indoors nor outdoors), placed him upon his lap (neither land, water, nor air), and then slew the king with his claws (not a weapon). In this manner, Prahlada and the races of the three worlds were thus set free from the tyranny of Hiranyakashipu, and cosmic order was restored.

[Wikipedia, Link: Story of Prahlad and Holika]

(Source: Essays on the Gita, p.363, “God in Power of Becoming”)
