Tuesday 18 December 2018

Some Thoughts - Spirituality, Man and his Life, Man and Society


  • Peace is not an absence of noise, disturbances or activity. Peace exists in itself. One can be peaceful in the midst of most violent action.
  • Happiness is not a state of physical comforts, satisfied desires or harmony of thoughts. Happiness exists in itself. One can be happy in the midst of all that is the cause of unhappiness.
  • Being purposeless, thoughtless, and silent is a great achievement but if one can simultaneously keep faith in the Almighty, surrender to Him, and be ready to receive and change, he has completed his part of the job; rest all is that of God’s.
  • It is not an empty “Nothingness” it is a pregnant “Shunya” and that is not all.
  • God doesn’t live aloof in heaven. He is there within us, around us, knocking at our doors, eager to meet us. We only need to listen to His cries.

Man and his Life:

  • Unless the goal is known, we can’t evaluate our progress. Unless we know the destination we don’t know if we have moved closer to our destination or farther from our destination.
  • The only job man has on this earth is to know the purpose of his life. If we don’t know the purpose of our life, the first thing we need to do is to know the purpose of our life, all else is a foolish movement.
  • The only job a man has on this earth is to silence his mind. Unless his mind is silent, he is a slave of this thoughts.
  • The only difference between a man and an animal is that man can work consciously to know himself.
  • No analysis can predict the future nor it can help you choose the aim of your life. The aim of life is always a choice, however, one can choose the path to attain the aim of his life, analytically.

Man and Society:

  • Men can rarely keep their subjective and objective beings separate. In any interaction, they bring in subjectivity which forms a curtain/filter, at times this curtain/filter continues in future conversations. We shall learn to isolate our judgement from our subjectivity.
  • There is a commonsense one can term as crowd-wisdom. It is a result of the experiences of innumerable individuals of different ages from different circumstances with wide experiences. It may not help one fly but it will also not let him sink. It is a result of the aspirations of the crowd, i.e. to live a peaceful life w/o much problems. One shall not defy crowd-wisdom unless one has a strong will power - a will -power that can withstand the headwinds – a will-power that can give the strength to face the challenges. 
  • Some people we have to bear for whole life, we can’t wish them away. You can insulate yourself from them to an extent.