Thursday 21 July 2016

Subjective Judgement

Subjective Judgement

When will man realize that he is incapable of judging?
Stop judging; start loving and enjoying the life.

In response to a comment by dear Amit Jhalani, "Can we live and enjoy without judging our actions whether they r correct or not ?" on "Aim of Life", I have modified "Aim of Life" and written this post.

Our world is evolutionary and so are we. Nothing is static in this world, not even our value systems. Moreover, our domains are subjective and finite, that makes our value system also subjective and limited. And therefore man is incapable of judging.

Yet we often find ourselves at crossroads and have to make a judgement. Shall we stop at the juncture? No, we can't, we must make a choice and move on.

However, the wisdom is to remember that we are evolving, our value systems are subjective and evolving. Consequently our judgments are not absolute, they too are subjective
. Therefore, we shouldn't be too fanatic about our value systems and should be ready to change or replace it as and when it becomes stale and suffocating. 

This should be so, till we know through the Mind, because Mind works with images and relativity.  Once we enter the realms of Truth, this dilemma of subjectivity will end.

Friday 15 July 2016

Man, still an Animal

Man, still an Animal

Date: 12-12-15

Man, still almost an animal, moves by the fears of the subconscient, the needs of the body, the lusts and the passions of the vital, the assumptions and the learnings of the mental, the guiding morals, the ineffective logic and the love for the ideals, but not by the Truth.

Reason and Beyond

Reason and Beyond

Date: 21-11-15

A long struggle comes to an end. Reason that was supported by science all along, has been conquered. The country it had usurped is reclaimed. A new Light descends; Reason learns to cooperate and obey its rule. A goal has been achieved. 

But an Aryan does not stop here, journey and the struggle continues. Aspiration to unveil the Absolute burns more intensely, now. The path is better lit, distant goals are clearer and a new struggle has begun. The territory is unknown, the milestones are difficult and higher, struggle more intense, but the spirit's will is invincible; faith is the guide and the shield. 

March ahead, be sure Truth will prevail.

Aim of Life

Aim of Life

Date: 05-11-14

  • When you become aware of the aim of your life, you walk on the despite everyone else disapproving of it. However if  everyone is approving your action, check if u following your aim or playing to the gallery.

  • Why is this obsession to be different, unique and special? Do we really need appreciation from other's to justify ourselves? 

On Love

On Love

Dated: 04-11-14

Love's purest descriptions I gathered, if I am able to reproduce them here truly, are - 

1) When you love few you love none. 

2) You love truly when u love all, always 
3) True Love doesn't demand anything, it only knows to give itself. 
4) Love lives by itself, it is all powerful, it has no preconditions. 
5) It is the highest Power existing in the cosmos.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Freedom from the Past

Freedom from the Past

Dated: 04/08/2014 

To be reborn is a great experience. To be free from the burden of the past, when ego has evaporated and no more taints the future, you become as innocent as a child. You can wonder like a child and smile like a child. When u experience this as a grown up, it is all the more beautiful; u can remember it and relive it.

Yesterday walking down the road in an alien land, I had glimpses of it. I wish I had a longer and intenser experience.

My gratitude to the Lord.

On Death

On Death

Date: 22/06/2016

 If man could understand Death, the earth would move closer to divinity.

Dated: 22/05/2016

How irrational a man is! One who doesn’t know the destination is busy all the time measuring the distance he has travelled. 

Dated: 22/05/2016

Unable to look at Death, we banish it from our minds and try to give meanings to our life.

Unless we understand Death, we can’t understand Life. 

Understanding Death is the key to our life; else, it is a cypher that multiplies all our achievements to a nought.  

Dated: 03/12/2015

Death liberates man from the bondage of this world. If one can experience Death while being alive, he can live a vaster and freer life here, on the earth.


By the end of every day, we move closer to ‘Death’ by a day!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Three Games going on in Man's Life (Hindi)

Three Games going on in Man's Life

Dated: 01/07/2016

जीवन एक त्रिस्तरीय खेल है – प्रथम खेल वह है जो हम दूसरों के लिए खेलते हैं, दूसरा खेल वह है जो हम अपने लिए खेलते हैं और तीसरा खेल वह है वह जो भगवान हमारे साथ खेलते हैं |

प्रथम खेल हम परिस्थियों के अनुसार खेलते हैं परन्तु यह एक आवरण के समान होता है जिसकी ओट में हमारा दूसरा खेल चलता रहता है | इस खेल के दर्शक नासमझ नहीं होते, वे इसके पीछे छिपे खेल को समझ जाते हैं; परन्तु वे इसके विषय में चुप रहते हैं या कभी-कभी मुखर हो कह देते हैं | इसका अंतराल छोटा होता है | शीघ्र ही पटाक्षेप हो जाता है, पात्र बदल जाते हैं, और फिर एक नया खेल आरम्भ हो जाता है |

दूसरा खेल हम अपनी कामनाओं की पूर्ति के लिए खेलते हैं | यह जीवन पर्यन्त चलता रहता है | यह हमें बहुत प्रिय होता है और यह तब तक चलता रहता है जब तक हमारी शक्ति शेष रहती है और हमारे जीवन का पटाक्षेप नहीं हो जाता | इस खेल की उपलब्धियां हमारे जीवन के साथ ही समाप्त हो जाती हैं क्योंकि किसी और की इसमें कोई रूचि नहीं होती |

तीसरा खेल के विषय में हम अधिकतर अनभिज्ञ होते हैं | इसको जानने के लिए हमें निर्लिप्त बुद्धि और निष्कपट हृदय की आवश्यकता होती है | यह खेल अनेकों जन्मों तक चलता रहता है | पहला और दूसरा खेल इस तीसरे खेल के आवरण मात्र होते हैं | पहले और दूसरे खेल में व्यस्त और तीसरे के प्रति अनजान हम इसके मार्ग में अनेकों अवरोध पैदा करते रहते हैं | यही हमारे दु:ख और कष्टों का मूल कारण होता है |

जब तक हम तीसरे खेल को नहीं समझ लेते तब तक यह यह तीनों खेल चलते रहेंगे, क्योकि पहले दो खेलों के पीछे ही तीसरा खेल खेला जाता है |

Philosophy and Truth (Religion and Spirituality)

Philosophy and Truth (Religion and Spirituality)

Dated: 11/07/2016

Purpose of a philosophy is to pacify one’s mind and give him direction to seek for the Truth. It is not the Truth; it is only a shadow of the Truth, it is a path to the Truth.

Alas, unable to face the dazzling Truth, we identify with the philosophy, declare it the Truth and fight for it; we sacrifice ourselves to the shadow rather to the Light!

A Hindu shall understand that he is not a Hindu but he is seeking the Truth by a way of Hinduism. A Muslim shall understand that he is not a Muslim but seeking the Truth by the way of Quran. A Christian shall understand that he is not a Christian but seeking the Truth by the way of Bible.

We are all same in seeking the Truth, but different in the way we have chosen to seek the Truth. Understanding of this fact can only bring harmony among different people.

People are different, they need different paths to progress. Too much emphasis on any path is to enslave the spirit of its followers.

Those who are spreading their religion by force or inducements have already accepted the inadequacy of their path. While they forcibly add people to their ranks, their own ranks who feel suffocated will leave their fold. Man is seeking Freedom and Truth, his spirit can’t be encaged.

Let's relegate the religion to its right place.
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